About Opick
Opick make his debut for the first time is when he release the Tombo Ati (Religious Song in Bahasa Indonesian). Tombo Ati is a traditional Javanese song composed by Sunan Bonang, one of Wali Sanga . This song is based one of famous hadith of prophet Muhammad. The song is about a Muslim's ways of gaining spiritual peace and tranquility, through tahajjud, reciting the Qu'ran, fasting, gathering with pious people, and in constant remembrance of Allah Most High, all of which are considered to be "Remedies for the Heart".
This song is still being taught at pesantrens, and has been sung, recorded and released by several Indonesian singers.
Five centuries after its composition, this song is still one of the most popular traditional Javanese songs. Its popularity also spread to mostly Muslim Indonesian region such as Sumatra. Islamic song contests, in Indonesia often use it as mandatory song. Due to its spiritual contents, pesantrens often teach it, particularly in traditional inland parts of Java.
Indonesian singer has many times re-released it as modern religious song, often accomopanied with Indonesian translation. One of the latest adaptations, on the album 'Istighfar' by Opick, has sold at least 180,000 copies. Another adaptation, by Emha Ainun Nadjib, is also famous. This song is especially popular during the holy month of Ramadan.
This is the newest Opick Religious Album: Mengaku Rasul
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